Thursday, May 3, 2012

More progress made on the 3rd day!

Today went well today also...guess we are on a roll!! The deck is almost complete, the framing is done (minus the windows), and the roof is well on its way to being done! If everything goes well...and the weather goes in our favour once again tomorrow, then the roof should be complete and the windows should go in. It is starting to look like a sunroom!!  :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Contractors finally got a full day in and progress was made!! Deck is almost complete and 2 walls are up! Crossing my fingers that Mother Nature is as good to us tomorrow as she was today!! :-)

Mother Nature is being kind toay!!

Early afternoon with blue skies and the sun shining bright!! Contractors are moving right along...only problem right now is having a hard time matching up the soffet for the sunroom exactly to what is on the house now. Other than that minor detail...the deck is working on being finished with insulation and they say if the weather holds out then the walls should go up today!! Possibility that the job may be delayed by about a day but that's not too bad for the rain delays we have had the first 2 days of construction!!

The contractor's may get a full day work in today!

Starting off on a better day today!! The contractors showed up at 9:15am this morning and got right to work. With no rain in the forecast it is looking like we might so some good progress at the end of the day! Almost 2 hours into work and the base of the deck is starting to come together. Can't wait to see where we are at with it at the end of the work day!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Storms shorten the workday again...

Well, once again storms roll in and stop progress on the build. About 4 hours work done today, with no deck built. I guess the best way to handle this is not to expect much. With the late arrival the first 2 days and Mother Nature not cooperating I am now not holding my breath on projected completion of the sunroom on Monday. :(

Late Again...

Arriving 3 hours late again today, seems as though that may explain why their job start date was set 8-10 weeks out from when we signed the contract to build! So with the radar showing storms once again predicted to hit early afternoon they once again get started. I am told the deck portion of the sunroom will be up before they leave today and that the walls will go up tomorrow. We will see...


I was told by the contractors yesterday that they would be arriving here around 8am this morning. Well...I just received a call from them stating they were leaving Indianapolis and going to go to Menard's in Kokomo to get some needed supplies so they would be late. Ugh...only my opinion, but it seems as though since they started 3 hours late yesterday (first day on the job) that they possibly could have went to get needed supplies when they left here early yesterday due to storms!! Especially since I have just looked at the radar and saw that storms are on the way again this afternoon. Not feeling so optimistic about the finish day being on Monday.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Done for the day :(

So after about 30 minutes of work once set up was accomplished they are done for the day due to the storm that just rolled in. Not very happy with the way this first day has gone but staying optimistic.

Contractors Finally Here!!

Well 3 hours late but finally arrived and ready to start. Not sure how much they are going to get done looking at the radar but we will see. The good news is instead of 2 weeks to get the job done, they are saying it should be finished on Monday!!

Bad Start!

Well…the first day is definately not starting out well. Got a call from the company saying the contractors got flat tire on the way to our house. Add to that the fact that there is rain in the forecast for most of this week. Hopefully this is not a sign as to how the entire process is going to go and that the sunroom will be built in the predicted 2 weeks. The dark clouds are rolling in and by the time they get here not much is going to get accomplished!

Before Sunroom